Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Moving on up! Moving on out!

Today marks less than a week until we leave. Bittersweet, but only barely. Mostly sweet. I have dealt with some telling us we are crazy, irresponsible, stupid, and just plain idiots for attending medical school 5,500 miles from home with 5 children. How can we be stupid when we are bettering ourselves, no stagnating here!! And for the record, we only had 1 vacation and that was before we came here. We lived for 2 years with no help except that which we already paid back! You'da thought we moved to someone's doorstep while continually begging...

So to celebrate Travis' passing MD4, we ate mint chocolate chip ice cream tonight. Here is a link to The Jeffersons Movin' on up.
- Movin’ on Up [Theme from The Jeffersons] lyrics
Love it! But we are going West...

Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.
Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
Beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin',
Just to get up that hill.
Now we're up in the big leagues,
Gettin' our turn at bat.
As long as we live,
it's you and me baby,
There ain't nothin wrong with that.
Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

~Sasha :)

1 comment:

Fruitful Harvest said...

Hi there,
I just came by to say thank you for becoming a follower of my blog!
I hope you will come say HI from time to time!?

I will keep you all in my prayers as you make your move!
